Saturday 28 March 2009

Cinnamon 5

Cinnamon has now been taking CV247 for five weeks and I have just ordered another bottle. Unfortunately, it appears that two of the tumours are returning at a similar rate to pre-CV247. It was difficult to tell before if they were the tumours returning or lumpy scar tissue from her operation, but one of the lumps has grown slightly. She is well in herself and always has been. However, Fibrosarcoma tumours grow very aggressively and quite fast, so it could be that the CV247 hasn't kicked in sufficiently enough yet to hold them back or she is the unlucky percentage that it won't work for her. I have contacted the vet that supplied me the CV247 but he said that animals respond differently to it and there is not enough knowledge and history on the formula to give any time limits. I have, therefore, decided to incorporate the homoeopathy, mushroom extracts and vitamins that I was giving her before to see if they can slow the growths down.
I wondered if the owner of Heidi would mind giving me details of all her alternative medicines please as I read that Heidi has reishi mushrooms etc which I am giving Cinnamon, although I am giving her the five top ones. I also wondered what strength is being used and what the dosage is. I am just guessing with mine.
Thank you

I've forwarded this email to Heidi's owner. I've also asked Rachael to write up Heidi's diet sheet as I'm sure it will help others. John Carter was always most insistent on a rigid fresh, salt free, chemical free diet. I know that Maralyn has struggled to get her cats onto fresh food and is using a prepared high quality diet. I think we know that for a third of cases CV247 will have no effect what so ever, be such a shame if it isn't going to work for Cinnamon. Fingers crossed that it does.

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